

Dec 29, 2023

Gain Serious Size With Just Dumbbells Using Our Three

Two dumbbells are all you need for our weekly training plan

Welcome to the Men's Health Dumbbell Club, your new weekly plan for a fitter, stronger body using just two dumbbells.

With workouts lasting from 20-40 minutes, which are designed to add lean muscle, build fitness and increase strength, your weekly dose of dumbbell goodness drops weekly.

This week we’re continuing our 4-week ‘EMOM bodybuilding’ phase. Building size on the clock, ‘working every minute on the minute’ you’ll gradually wear down each muscle with short rest periods and a laser focus on individual movement patterns, splitting your body up in a ‘push, pull, legs’ style to ramp up the intensity.

Expect to pump up your chest, shoulders, backs, legs and arms, while building strength and amassing fitness gains. Work hard, recover harder and permanent muscle growth won't be far behind.

EMOM or ‘Every Minute On the Minute’, is simple in execution, but simple rarely means easy. At the beginning of each minute you’re going to perform a set of a single movements, you’ll then rest for the remainder of the minute before moving onto the next movement at the start of the next minute. Continue in this fashion until you’ve performed a round of each movement, rest for three the following minute, then begin again from movement one. Repeat the ‘circuit’ in this fashion eight times round, for a total of forty minutes of hard, muscle-building graft.

We’re switching up the playlist this week, hitting legs on day one, when you’re at your freshest, followed by a ‘push’ day focussing on the muscles of your chest, shoulders and triceps, and finally finishing with a serious pump for your back and biceps.

Each movement has a suggested rep range. Depending on the weights you have available, try to work towards the higher end of the range, but keep track of the reps you achieve on each movement, in each minute. We’ll be referring back to these in a few weeks time.

Coach's tip: Use a pen and paper notebook to track your workouts and try to avoid Instagram doomscrolling between sets. While there's nothing inherently wrong with this, staying mindful of your breath and focussed on the reps ahead will help you to optimise your rest and ultimately maximise your gains.

After a thorough warm-up grab your 'bells, start the clock and get to work. If you have a selection of dumbbells, use weights that enable you to push towards the higher end of the rep ranges, at least for the initial first few rounds. Perform eight total rounds, for just under 40 minutes of total working time.

Drop your dumbbells to your sides (A). Keeping your chest up at all times, take a step backward with one leg, bending your front knee until the back knee touches the ground (B). Stand up explosively, pause and repeat with the other leg. Alternate back and forth, aiming for 16-24 total reps, counting both legs.

Return to your standing position with dumbbells at your sides (A), this time take a step forward with one leg, bending at the knee until the back knee gently touches the ground (B). Stand up explosively, pause and repeat with the opposite leg. Alternate back and forth, aiming for 16-24 total reps, counting both legs.

Clean your dumbbells onto the front of your shoulders (A). From here, drop into a front squat, by pushing your hips back and bending at the knees until your thighs pass parallel to the ground (B), before driving back up explosively. Keep those dumbbells secured high, with a strong, upright torso throughout. Push hard for the high end of the rep range here.

Ditch the dumbbells for an explosive bodyweight blast. Step one foot backward and sink into a deep lunge, with your rear knee lightly touching the floor (A). Explode upward, jumping into the air and switching legs mid jump (B). Land in a lunge position with the opposite leg forward. Repeat the movement, alternating legs each rep. Aim for maximum height on each jump. Take a breather whenever necessary, but keep clocking up reps for the full minute.

Rest for the entirety of the fifth and final minute, before beginning again from movement one. Focus on your breathing and lowering your heart rate, ready to hit the next circuit with full force.

As with day one: warm-up thoroughly, start the clock and get to work. If you have a selection of dumbbells, use weights that enable you to push towards the higher end of the rep ranges, at least for the initial first few rounds. Perform eight total rounds, for just under 40 minutes of total working time.

Stand tall with your dumbbells at your waist, in front of your body. (A) Keeping your core tight hinge forward slightly before explosively standing back upright and pulling the dumbbells up towards your chin, driving your elbows up and back (B). Slowly lower back down to your waist under complete control. Avoid simply ‘dropping’ your dumbbells back to your waist to build more muscle and avoid injury. If your dumbbells feel light, avoid the help from your hips and simply stand tall and pull the weights up to your chin.

After your final floor press, stand tall with your dumbbells at your sides, hinge forward until your torso is almost parallel to the ground and allow the dumbbells to hang just below your knees (A). Maintaining a flat back, row both dumbbells towards your hips (B), squeeze your shoulder blades together and lower under control to the start before repeating.

Stand upright and drop one of your ‘bells, grip the remaining bell with both hands, holding the outer ‘heads’ palms facing each other (A). With minimal momentum, curl the dumbbell upwards until it's beneath your chin (B). Squeeze here and lower the weight under control, fighting it all of the way. Perform as many reps as you can before you have to drop the weights, then take a few breaths and perform a few more.

Drop into a press-up position with your hands on your bells and midline tight (A). Shifting your weight onto your left hand, row the right dumbbell towards your hip (B). Pause briefly, then lower the weight under control. Repeat on your left side (each row equals one rep). If you have slightly heavier dumbbells, use them here. Drop to your knees and take a breather whenever necessary, but keep clocking up reps for the full minute.

Rest for the entirety of the fifth and final minute, before beginning again from movement one. Focus on your breathing and lowering your heart rate, ready to hit the next circuit with full force.

As with day one: warm-up thoroughly, start the clock and get to work. If you have a selection of dumbbells, use weights that enable you to push towards the higher end of the rep ranges, at least for the initial first few rounds. Perform eight total rounds, for just under 40 minutes of total working time.

Stand up and press both dumbbells overhead explosively until your arms are fully locked out. Lower one bell down to your shoulder while keeping the other locked out overhead (A). Explosively press back up, now lower the other arm (B). Alternate in this fashion, keeping one bell secured overhead whilst the over is working, throughout.

Lay flat on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the ground. Press the weights above you, locking out your elbows (A). Lower one dumbbell slowly until the back of your arm touches the floor (B), keep the opposite arm locked out throughout, pause here before explosively pressing back up. Alternate arms, keeping one arm locked out whilst the other is working. If you have access to a bench, use it.

Assume a long armed plank position, with your core tight and hands gripping your dumbbells (A), bend your elbows and slowly lower your chest to the floor over a strict count of three seconds (B). Keep your elbows close to your body and pause for one second, feeling the deep stretch through your chest as you push back up explosively. When you can no longer lower over three seconds, or it begins to be grind to get back up, end your set and note your reps.

Sit upright on a bench or box, support your weight with your arms and walk your feet outwards, shifting off the edge (A). Lower your body until you feel a stretch across your chest (B). Push back up hard. For maximum effect try a count of three down and one back up, squeezing your triceps hard at the top. Need to rest? Rest with your arms locked out at the top, but try to keep your hands on the bench for the full sixty seconds.

With almost 18 years in the health and fitness space as a personal trainer, nutritionist, breath coach and writer, Andrew has spent nearly half of his life exploring how to help people improve their bodies and minds.

As our fitness editor he prides himself on keeping Men's Health at the forefront of reliable, relatable and credible fitness information, whether that's through writing and testing thousands of workouts each year, taking deep dives into the science behind muscle building and fat loss or exploring the psychology of performance and recovery.

Whilst constantly updating his knowledge base with seminars and courses, Andrew is a lover of the practical as much as the theory and regularly puts his training to the test tackling everything from Crossfit and strongman competitions, to ultra marathons, to multiple 24 hour workout stints and (extremely unofficial) world record attempts.

You can find Andrew on Instagram at @theandrew.tracey, or simply hold up a sign for ‘free pizza’ and wait for him to appear.

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Week 14 New This Week… DAY ONE (W14/D1) 1. Alternating Reverse Lunge x 16-24 (total) A B 2. Alternating Forward Lunge x 16-24 (total) A B 3. Front Squat x 8-12 A B 4. Split Squat Jump x AMRAP (As Many Reps As Possible x 60 seconds) A B 5. Rest DAY TWO (W14/D2) 1. High Pull x 8-12 reps (A) (B). 2. Bent over row x 10-15 reps A B 3. Single Dumbbell Bicep Curl x 20-25 reps A B 4. Renegade row x (As Many Reps As Possible x 60 seconds) A B 5. Rest DAY THREE (W14/D3) 1. See-saw press x 12-20 (total reps) (A) (B) 2. Piston floor (or bench) press x 16-24 (total reps) A B 3. Tempo Push-ups on dumbbells x AMRAP (with good tempo) (A) (B) 4. Tricep dips x AMRAP (As Many Reps As Possible x 60 seconds) A B